Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The machine shop adventures!

So I had some time in my dad's shop to make some new foot pegs for my Ironhead. I have about 5-6 hours total in them and IMO they didn't turn out half bad. I love to work with metal when I have the craftiness and time to do it. Plus, no one else will have these foot pegs. I got some ideas for another set that I am gonna make for my Honda 750 project.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Invasion begins!

So I got a little bored and started messing around in Illustrator the other night and came up with this alien invader amalgamation that you see here. I made an alien similar to a Space Invader and then threw some tentacles coming out from it. Maybe my 8 Bit childhood and Superjail merged together in this one :) So, I hope you all like the idea of this. The background was just thrown together to add a little depth to a blank background. Hope you all think this is as cool as I did, I know there are some geeks out there like me, lolz!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Absolute Automotive

Here are some designs I just did for Absolute Automotive. If you have a VW, Audi, Volvo or Porsche and need service in the Raleigh/Durham area, I highly recommend this shop. Well qualified people working on your ride that are trustworthy are hard to come by sometimes, but these guys ROCK! I think these designs came out awesome, the first one is the new business card and the second one is for 3 4'x8' panels for the exterior and building signs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Das Auto

Center Caps for the MKII
So I decided to make some center cap graphics for some new wheels I have for my car. The top left design is just the typical VW logo, the top right one is the original KdW logo during the first World War, the bottom left is a trooper, of course, and the bottom right is the GTI Rabbit logo. I'm leaning towards wither the trooper for my geek factor or the KdW old school logo. I might end up doing both or all four since applying them isn't really a hassle. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shiny, flashy objects! Oh look at that over there...

So there are these bright and flashing things on web pages that are there to get your attention, but generally they tend to annoy you or distract you from what you were originally looking at... also they work as effective advertising media, whether you like them or not, they work. Here are some that I made and tried to be effective, but not annoying as well as a few other pieces I found when looking over some older folders.

Click on the banners to see animations, for some reason Blogger.com 
doesn't display the animated GIIFs for the banners

Animated logo for Web Site

CD cover for local band.
Watermark not on final.
Collage of the Atomic Age in my mind.

Some other projects I've done in the past.

Some old photos

These are some old photos that I took. I used to have a dark room and all the equipment for developing my own stuff, but sadly I no longer have it. Here are some photos shot with a Nikon F-body 35mm. Most of these are watermarked as I only have digital copies of these anymore.

The Xbox 360 needed something...

So I decided to add some decor to my old Xbox 360... before it RROD'd on me the last time. Anyhow, I made some stencils the Banksy made famous and tagged my Xbox. If you get bored, I highly recommend making your own 360 enhancements. Enjoy!

Love the Bomb!

Playing Catch Up!

These are old pieces of art that I have found on my MySpace profile (remember when that was all the rage?) and are files that have been lost or destroyed over time. These are all done in Maya 3 and XSI ver.1 from my days in 3D design classes.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Death Ride

This is something I've been working on recently. Who doesn't like a good skull? Exactly! Anyhow, not sure what else I'll do with this, but I dig it. Maybe a PSA for kids to wear their helmet or they could end up not as cool as this guy, hehe.

Tijuana Wildebeests!

So, the best RockBand in the world has asked me to do their logo. This is a rough skecth of the start of it. Who is Tijuana Wildebeests you make ask, well it'k my band for RockBand. Yeah, we're famous and our merch will be available soon. It'll sell quick, but with the start of awesomeness like this, who wouldn't want one? Thanks for humoring me, enjoy :)
 Yeah, I know it's not the best thing in the world, that's why it's a rough sketch...just figured I post an update on my artsy blog :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lemmy is GOD!

If you don't know who Lemmy is, then where have you been? Lemmy Kilmister is the lead singer for Motorhead (one of my favorite bands). There was a movie called 'Airheads' that was popular in my teenage youth and I watched it a while back and got to a part of the movie where there is a quiz:

[Chazz and Rex are testing Chris]
Chazz: Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
Chris Moore: Lemmy.
[Rex imitates a game show buzzer]
Chris Moore: ... God?
Rex: Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy *IS* God.

And that part inspired this design of Lemmy *IS* God! I love this design and it is probably one of the pieces that I've done that I would consider in the top 5 of my personal favorites. If you're a metal head like me, I know you'll enjoy this piece, if you're not... well you should be :)

May your metal be heavy my son!


I worked for a local beer distributor and produced multitudes of  point-of-sale advertising, table tents for restaurants, and all types of marketing materials. I was the sole producer and creator of all of the marketing and advertising materials for the company. These are just some examples of the thousands of pieces I did for this company.
Lynwood Grill table tents
Carolina Ale House table tents

Buck's table Tent

Super Bowl XLIV(2010) Brackets. Seen at bars everywhere*!

 *Everywhere = local watering holes near Raleigh, NC :)


Adventures in metalworking! This is an attempt to make a neat stand for a decorative Day of the Dead skull candle holder that a friend of mine made for me. The skull is made from sheet metal and stained glass with a candle that goes behind the glass in the eyes to light up. Problems arose when I realized that it would be way too close to the wall when a candle was burning, so I did what any crazy person does... I went digging in the garage. I found a gear that my father machined when he was in school and I found a cam from a motorcycle that no longer needed it, haha. I welded up a stand to hold the skull, and I think it came out pretty cool looking.
Ok, so the weld isn't the prettiest, but I think it came out looking good.

The stand in action!
The DoD skull made by the fantastic Jessica VanNess


Here are some watercolor paintings I did a while back. The influence of working in tattoo shops is becoming more apparent in some of the work I do, even though these are older pieces. My personal favorite of these is the flying eye because it was a fun piece... and art is supposed to be fun!
Day of the Dead sugar skull.

Thanks to Kenny Howard for being a big influence

This is framed and in my mom's house, go figure :)